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Guatemala, through the visit of CABEI to the Republic of China (Taiwan), will strengthen the ties of cooperation in favor of development

Guatemala's representative before CABEI held important meetings with authorities from the country's ministries of foreign affairs, finance, and economic affairs.

Guatemala City, September 6th, 2022.- In order to strengthen relations between the Central American region and the Republic of China (Taiwan) and identify opportunities for collaboration to promote sustainable development in strategic sectors, this week the Director for Guatemala before CABEI, Pedro Brolo Vila, is visiting this extra-regional partner country of the Bank.

As part of the mission, an important meeting was held with Dr. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA); a space in which Director Brolo received the "Order of the Shining Star" award for his support to strengthen the ties of cooperation between the two nations. A visit was also made to the International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF).

“These meetings allow us to identify and promote new ways of work and cooperation, including investment and development for our Central American region. We welcome the fact that our member countries are coming closer and seeking the common good to improve the quality of life of Central Americans” said the executive president of CABEI, Dr. Dante Mossi.

Pedro Brolo Vila, director for Guatemala before CABEI, added, “I am flattered to receive this recognition from a friendly country that has supported Guatemala's sustainable development in strategic sectors such as MSME, health, education, agriculture, and housing, so much. Taiwan continues to support overcoming the present and future challenges we still have as a region.” 

High-level meetings will be held in the coming days with Taiwan's Ministries of Finance and Economic Affairs, as well as with the Foreign Trade Development Council and the Vice-President of the Hua Nan Trade Bank. A visit to the Brogent technology company and relevant infrastructure projects such as the shinkansen station in Taipei and the port of Kaohsiung, are also foreseen.